
A wrapper of the Discord Game SDK Achievement Manager.


A wrapper of the Discord Game SDK Activity Manager. This class is used to search lobbies and manipulate their metadata.

void set_lobby_metadata(lobby_id : int, key : string, value : string)
string get_lobby_metadata(lobby_id : int, key : string)
void search_lobbies(parameters : Variant, limit : int)


  • search_lobbies_callback(lobbies : Array)

Emitted after a lobby search has been completed.


enum LobbyDistance

  • LOCAL=0 — Lobbies in the same region
  • DEFAULT=1 — Lobbies in adjacent regions.
  • Extended=2 — Lobbies in regions far apart, e.g. Europe and the US
  • GLOBAL=3 — Lobbies from all around the world.

enum LobbyComparison

  • EQUAL=2 — ==
  • NOT_EQUAL=6 — !=

Method Descriptions

  • void set_lobby_metadata(lobby_id : int, key : string, value : string)

Sets the key/value pair as metadata of the lobby lobby_id. The local user has be the owner of the lobby. Otherwise nothing will happen. Overwrites the value if the key already exists(?).

  • string get_lobby_metadata(lobby_id : int, key : string)

Returns the value associated with the key.

  • void search_lobbies(parameters : Variant, limit : int)

Searches all lobbies for ones that match the provided parameters. Returns at most limit lobbies via the Signal search_lobbies_callback.